About bolt
We are a non-profit organization serving Indiana. Bolt For The Heart was established in 2010 by Pierre Twer and Friends and is an extension of Heart Reach Michiana which was founded by Dr. Walt Halloran and friends in 2004. Bolt For The Heart was established to keep monies raised locally to stay locally and impact the community close to home.
- The fundraising efforts for Bolt For The Heart will be generated through various Family oriented outdoor activities. Fundraising included sponsorship of the Boston marathon and the HeartReach – Bolt for the Heart Family Run/Walk Series..
- The Mission of Bolt For The Heart is to serve Indiana, particularly those affected by heart disease, through education, financial support and direct assistance.
- Financial Support is given to programs in the Central Indiana area that address heart disease prevention, stroke awareness, smoking cessation and healthy lifestyles.
- Direct assistance includes supporting Indiana State Police, local police, local fire agencies, local schools, churches and community organizations by purchasing and placing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) at their facilities free of charge and training their staffs on their successful usage.
Bolt for the Heart has raised nearly $4,000,000 with the support of our partners across Indiana and has donated nearly 3,300 AEDs. We have successfully placed 485 AEDs in all patrol cars of the Indiana State Police. Our focus now shifts to equipping the 92 Sheriff’s departments throughout Indiana and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD). The need for AEDs in sheriff’s departments is particularly urgent, as they often travel rural areas and are frequently the first to arrive at scenes of sudden cardiac arrests. IMPD, with over 1,200 vehicles, has already received 385 AEDs through our partnership with IU Health, but much work remains to be done.

Pierre Twer
President - Bolt for the Heart

Doug Carter
Superintendent - Indiana State police

Greg Dedinsky, MD
Columbus Regional Hospital Cardiac Surgeon

Greg Elsner, MD
St. Vincent Cardiologist

Michael J. Highum
Partner - McGowan Insurance Group

Tim Thoman
President - Performance Services

Mark Fisch, MD

Erin Uber
Linder Learning Center
Advisory Board
Christopher Shute / Ogle Design – Branding, Marketing and Advertising
Art Coffey, MD – Chief Physican Operations Officer, President Prohealth Medical Group
Walt Halloran, MD – Cardiac Surgeon and Founder of Heart Reach Michiana
Kevin Clancey – Retired Executive of Delphi Corporation *Bolt Board Emeritus Member
Joe Muldoon – CEO at Fast Biomedical
Michael S. Emery, MD – Cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic